
A broadcast is a message that is played out once on devices within the specified group, and no acknowledgement is needed.

A broadcast can be started through a simple POST request to our server into our /broadcasts endpoint. This can be done through an API platform like Postman or Insomnia, through simple curl commands in the shell, or within your codebase.

Triggering a Broadcast

The POST command to send the broadcast should take the following form:

POST /subscribers/{id}/api/v1/broadcasts
Authorization: RelayApiKey {apikey}
Content-type: application/json

   "notification": "hello world",
   "groups": ["mygroup"]

Headers and Subscriber ID Path

  • apikey : you should contact Relay to get your API key, as it is not available via self-service. Your key should be included within the Authorization header. Don’t forget to include “RelayApiKey” before your actual key.

  • id : your subscriber ID, which can be found on the Relay Dash through HelpServer Details under Subscriber

Required Content

  • notification : custom message to be spoken on the group of devices. The Relay server will automatically convert your written text into spoken audio (text-to-speech)

  • groups : a list containing the group names or URNs to send the broadcast to


The following example shows a curl command that sends a broadcast request up to our server.

$ export subscriber_id=yourcustomersID
$ export apikey=myapikey123
$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: RelayApiKey $apikey" "$subscriber_id/api/v1/broadcasts" -d '{"notification": "All rounds must be done by 10pm tonight.", "groups": ["security1", "security2"]}' -i

This curl command broadcasts the message “All rounds must be done by 10pm tonight” to two different groups, security1 and security2. The message will only be broadcasted one time on all devices that are in either of those groups. See what this broadcast looks like on the device in the video below. Notice how no acknowledgement is needed from the user.

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